Technology and the Church

Mobile Giving Can Help Your Church This Summer!

During the summer months the landscape at your church likely changes. While people travel, host friends and family, and spend more time out in the sun instead of in the pews, churches don't generally see the same levels of attendance and tithing.

As more people continue to adopt mobile, mobile giving is also becoming a regular part of people's digital lives - in fact, mobile donations increased by 45% from 2014 to 2015. What if giving at your church increased during the summer instead of dipped? 

Mobile Giving can be a huge benefit to churches who are wanting to keep their congregation engaged during the summer, despite people's hectic summer schedules. Here are a few ways Subsplash Giving can help: 

Making Giving Simple and Automatic

When users spend a few brief minutes setting up an account with Subsplash Giving they have the option to set up a recurring gift that will automatically withdraw funds on a fixed  day every month. This allows members of your church to continue to give faithfully even if their summer schedule clashes with regular life rhythms.



Making Giving Accessible

Creating an app for your organization gives you an incredible opportunity to meet your community where they are at. Whether your users are coming to your app to hear weekly sermons or read a blog post, putting your content side by side with Subsplash Giving encourages even more engagement in your app. 

Because mobile giving makes it easy to give at anytime and from anywhere, your church doesn't have to suffer the usual summer giving woes. 

Let's chat about helping you see the benefits of mobile giving for your community! 


11 Ways to Serve Your Community This Sunday - Part I

Apps have become the primary digital tool for daily interaction with your community. Since your app will be used more than your website, think mobile first! There are so many great features to include in your app that encourage your community to interact with your app on the daily, but beyond engaging your community during the week, we’ve designed some great tools to enhance your congregation’s worship gathering on the weekends. 

Here are a few examples of ways people can use your app starting with helping people get to your church all the way through getting people connected to a group.

Here are the features we are going to explore in this series:

  • Maps
  • Push Notifications
  • Digital Bulletins
  • Visitor Cards
  • Fill In Notes
  • Giving
  • Live Interaction
  • Bible
  • Events
  • Sign Up Forms
  • Group Connect

Easily integrate maps into your app so that when your community members open your app first thing on their way to your church, they have all the info they need. This feature is perfect for first time visitors!

Before your community even walks through your church doors, sending a push notification with a short teaser about what to expect that day is one small gesture to help your community feel excited about the weekend service. 

If you need to share some announcements or an order of service, digital bulletins are the perfect feature to give your congregation a glimpse of what to expect that weekend.

Help first time guests feel welcome by adding a vistor card to your app. Remove any barriers to people getting connected and make newcomers feel even more at home at your church!

This brand new tool promotes deeper engagement in your app by letting your community follow along with your message. Not only can you create custom fill in the blank notes for each sermon, you can provide a space for free-form journaling, or simple outlines.

Check out 6 more features for your Sunday morning service and get in touch with us about creating your app!

5 Ways Technology Helps the Church

Our passion is to help churches and ministries leverage technology to help more people hear the Gospel message. Here are a few ways we think technology benefits the church...

1. Wider Reach

In a day when communication travels faster than ever and is immediately available, we have an opportunity as followers of Christ to take advantage of new tools for sharing the Gospel. 

Whether you are creating an app, starting a podcast, or leveraging another communication tool powered by modern technology, you can reach more people with Gospel content than any other time in history. 

2. Cultural Relevance

Our reception or rejection of technology sends a strong message to the culture around us. The best way to reach people with the good news of Jesus is to meet them where they are at in a way that's convenient to them.

Reaching people through technology, specifically mobile technology, is one of the most effective ways to help people see how much you care to see them engage with life changing content.

3. Increased Productivity

Streamlined processes and efficiency are much more common place with smartphones that act as a calendars, phone books, and communication tools all in one. Leveraging mobile technology to get more done in less time can help church staff focus on more initiatives and love more people.

4. Better Stewardship

The costs associated with older ways of doing things can be a major budget drain for many churches and ministries. For example, by making certain resources digital, churches can avoid costs associated with printing out bulletins, song lyrics, or event flyers, providing an opportunity for better stewardship. 

5. Greater Engagement

Nothing can replace the value in face-to-face interactions with real people, but the truth is we live in a mobile world, and being more technologically savvy helps organizations stay more connected and more engaged with their people. 

We want to help you see some of these benefits play out in your church with a customized mobile app. Let's chat!

Shiny New Update: Your Video and Audio Player

Who doesn't like new things? We certainly do, which is why we've upped the shine factor on our video and audio player. Here are a few of the improvements you're going to see to the video player: 

Your play position will now save! That's right, go ahead, answer that call or text. Your video will be waiting right where you left off, no scrubbing necessary!

Now you have direct access to sharing and Airplay controls, making social sharing and streaming on your device of choice just a few taps away.

We have a new 15-second rewind button! Interruptions happen. That's why we want to make it super simple for you to skip back if you happen to miss something. Don't miss a single word of your sermon with this cool new feature.

But that's not all! We've made some improvements to the audio player as well:

New 15-second fast forward and rewind buttons. Easily skip ahead to your favorite part of that song you love, or rewind to hear that great line again in the sermon you're listening to.

See your favorite app's artwork in an even larger view. 

Call us today to see what other exciting features are available for your own customized app!