
11 Ways to Serve Your Community This Sunday- Part II

In Part 1 of this series we looked at some engaging features that can help you engage your audience on Sunday morning. Here are a few more!

We believe that engaged communities are giving communities. With Subsplash Giving right in your app you can witness tangible growth with our quick and easy mobile giving solution.

Easy social sharing in your Subsplash app allows your community to share your media, an event, and even email a friend their sermon notes if they couldn't make it to church that weekend. 

As a complement to your weekend message, including a Bible tab in your app will allow your congregation to follow along as you lead them through the Bible.  

Have an upcoming event that you want to extend an invitation to from the pulpit? Integrating calendars into your app is easy and allows your community to add church events to their calendar on the spot!

Making an invitation to serve? You can add a sign up form to your app so that volunteers can sign up on the spot and not have to remember later on in the week.

To help people feel connected on an ongoing basis, create a connect form in your app so that people can quickly and easily find a group that's convenient for them to visit. 

Our team of Mobile Experts is available to help all of our Subsplash clients and set them up for success. Our trained App Specialist will walk with you every step of the way to get these features set up!

To see a full list of features, check this out.

We'd love to chat with you about setting up an app for your organization! 

11 Ways to Serve Your Community This Sunday - Part I

Apps have become the primary digital tool for daily interaction with your community. Since your app will be used more than your website, think mobile first! There are so many great features to include in your app that encourage your community to interact with your app on the daily, but beyond engaging your community during the week, we’ve designed some great tools to enhance your congregation’s worship gathering on the weekends. 

Here are a few examples of ways people can use your app starting with helping people get to your church all the way through getting people connected to a group.

Here are the features we are going to explore in this series:

  • Maps
  • Push Notifications
  • Digital Bulletins
  • Visitor Cards
  • Fill In Notes
  • Giving
  • Live Interaction
  • Bible
  • Events
  • Sign Up Forms
  • Group Connect

Easily integrate maps into your app so that when your community members open your app first thing on their way to your church, they have all the info they need. This feature is perfect for first time visitors!

Before your community even walks through your church doors, sending a push notification with a short teaser about what to expect that day is one small gesture to help your community feel excited about the weekend service. 

If you need to share some announcements or an order of service, digital bulletins are the perfect feature to give your congregation a glimpse of what to expect that weekend.

Help first time guests feel welcome by adding a vistor card to your app. Remove any barriers to people getting connected and make newcomers feel even more at home at your church!

This brand new tool promotes deeper engagement in your app by letting your community follow along with your message. Not only can you create custom fill in the blank notes for each sermon, you can provide a space for free-form journaling, or simple outlines.

Check out 6 more features for your Sunday morning service and get in touch with us about creating your app!

Maximize Push Notifications

Increasing efficiency, promoting campaigns, and making great content incredibly accessible are only a few of the benefits of using push notifications. Your audience has dozens, even hundreds of distractions demanding their attention each day. There is a barrage of media and messaging to constantly compete with, which is why the immediacy, accessibility, and brevity of push notifications makes them one of the best tools for reaching your audience. 

Just like with any mobile tool, coming up with a strategy, no matter how simple, will help you maximize this important feature in your app. We've come up with a few ideas on how to do just that!

Don't forget about the inbox

Even though push notifications are short and simple, your users might want want to review it at a later time, which is why the push notification inbox is very important so that no one misses your message.

To get the most out of this storage feature, occasionally draw your community's attention to it so that they are reminded to check it and see what they might've missed!

Send your message at the perfect moment

To reach your audience at exactly the right moment all you have to do is schedule a push notification ahead of time. Are you planning a worship night and need to remind your community the night before? No problem, just select a date and time and schedule your notification in advance so that your congregation can get a friendly reminder.

Scheduled push notifications allow you to be as efficient as possible by scheduling content when it will be most useful to your audience. If you're wanting to send an encouraging quote or bible verse during lunch time when your community is most likely to see it, scheduling ahead of time is a breeze.


3. Make great content a click away

Push notifications with attachments makes promoting great content easier than ever. Whether you need to send a sign-up form straight to your community, or just want to share a great article out, try this helpful feature to increase engagement in your app!

4. Target a specific audience

You might have specific communication needs for specific groups, with Group Push Notifications you can eliminate any barriers to sending relevant content to the right group of people. 

Creating a group is simple and targeted. If you need to let your worship team know that practice has been rescheduled, group notifications are your simple solution: just create a group with your worship team members and send your message without inconveniencing the rest of your community with a notification that's not relevant to them.

If you have any questions about signing up for an app or how to use push notifications, get in touch with us! We're happy to help.