What is The Church App? It’s an incredibly flexible platform that helps you develop mobile apps for your ministry!

Every single week, churches and ministries create incredible Gospel-centered content that needs to be shared with the world. Sadly, this content is often never published or is simply trapped within undesirable, clunky technology. So, the big question is; how do we get this incredible content into people’s hands? Here at Subsplash, we want to see the Gospel proclaimed to the ends of the earth. With that vision in mind, we brought our team of world class developers and UX designers together and created The Church App platform. This cutting edge platform allows churches and ministries to very easily create their own mobile applications (apps) for iPhone, Android, iPad, Windows Phone 7, and web. With rich features designed specifically for the presentation of the Gospel through an app, ministries can present full length audio and video messages, share blogs and articles, keep people connected with calendar events and social networks, integrate with online giving, and much more! With the growth of mobile technology, it only makes sense that the Church needs to be at the forefront of this tremendous tech revolution. Today, people actually consume as much data on their mobile device as they do on desktop computers. It’s an incredible cultural shift being led by mobile apps. We truly believe we can help churches and ministries get their Jesus-driven content into the palm of your hand. We’ve been blessed to work with some incredible ministries who are all about using technology to share the truth of Jesus Christ. We've worked with Billy Graham, Saddleback Church, Mars Hill Church, IHOP, Harvest: Greg Laurie, and many more. We’ve even worked with several churches that have less than 50 members who are using the apps as an outreach tool. How cool is that? The Church App is a tool built and designed for churches of all sizes who want to have their own custom app in the App Store and Android Marketplace to present the Gospel and keep people connected to their community.
Interesting facts about mobile and the Church
- People spend an average of 80 minutes per day using apps
- People spend an average of 30 minutes per launch of The Church App
- Nearly half of all Americans will use a smartphone by the end of 2011 (Nielsen)
- The Church App give people access to your video and audio sermons, news, blogs, calendars, and much more from anywhere, anytime
Things you can do inside of The Church App that you can’t do on your website
- Advanced Audio Player: Listen to audio in the background while multitasking, download audio to your app for offline listening, and have your audio sermon remember where you left off if interrupted
- Utilize your phones native features like Map and GPS
- Watch Apple approved high quality video that won’t drain your battery life, never buffers, and uses data efficiently
- Utilize a Music Player to sort by album and give users the ability to download songs
Other cool features of The Church App
- Calendar/Events: Create a custom calendar or integrate with your existing calendar
- ESV Bible: Include the entire ESV Bible, Audio Bible, and Life Journal Reading plan in your app
- Blog Reader: integrate with any RSS feed
- Social Networks/Sharing: Integrate with Facebook, Twitter and Email for social sharing of media
- Bulletins/News: Integrate your Sunday bulletin and any e-news
- Online Giving: Integrate with your online giving solution
- Short videos: Integrate with Youtube/Vimeo for short videos
We are excited to continue to dream and develop for the future of mobile technology and hope to see it used more and more for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. If you have any questions at all, we’d be happy to help!