increase giving — Blog — The Church App

increase giving

5 Benefits of Going Mobile with The Church App: Increase Ease of Giving (Part 4 of 5)


This is part 4 in a series that highlights the added value of doing an iPhone/Android/iPad app for your church or ministry.

4: Increasing Ease of Giving

Tithing is critical to a church’s health and well being. Using The Church App platform gives opportunity for giving in more ways than one. Since you can count on people bringing their smartphone to church and not always their check book, you can easily integrate with your current online giving solution via The Church App.

OneLife Church in Henderson KY saw their giving increase immediately. “We are a church of about 1000 adults. We launched on 12/23 (2 days before Christmas) and even with the holidays we have seen 1008 downloads in the first month and the first week of giving was 3 times the monthly expense.”

It's amazing how technology has changed the way we interact in daily life settings. I actually can't remember the last time I took my checkbook with me, and I'm pretty sure my kids will have no idea how to balance a checkbook. With changes like these, being able to utilize smart phones to capitalize on things like online giving is imperative.

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Skip to Part 5 here.