We've been updating the Android app experience on the Subsplash Platform so that your app will look brilliant! It will be optimized for Android KitKat and the new larger phones like the Galaxy S4, HTC Hero, and the Google Nexus 5! We are in the process of submitting updates to the Google Play Store so keep your eyes peeled for the update to hit! Here are some of the delightful new changes you can expect:

- New design for main navigation that now includes swiping from tab to tab.
- New & improved video experience that’s clean and elegant. When using video, rotate your device to landscape and it will automatically make your video go full screen.
- More intuitive and delightful (not to mention Android-friendly) audio and video sharing!
- We have redesigned the audio experience from the ground up. Not only do the Now Playing, Downloads and Playlist views look more beautiful than ever, we made behind-the-scenes changes to improve performance and usability.
- Your audio and video content can now be shared from more places within the app than ever before, and to all of your social networks (that's right, even Pinterest!). Not only that, but the sharing experience will feel intuitive and elegant - like an Android app should!

- User interface improvements for the latest versions of Android including: Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, and KitKat.
- It’s faster, more stable, and more responsive than ever!
- Optimized for small and large phone screen sizes: mdpi, ldpi, hdpi, xhdpi, and xxhdpi.
- Oh yea, we squashed a bunch of bugs too!

With the plethora of Android devices out there, and the many variables to consider, our goal is to make the user experience as consistent and clean as possible, and that's exactly what we've been working on!