Is your church overpaying for online giving? You very well could be....and unfortunately, you might not even know it. Despite having decent processing rates, many churches are still paying extremely high effective rates for online giving, and that's where the problem lies. This could be due to a number things including hidden fees, lack of volume-based discounts, and more.
Join the Free Webinar Next Week to Learn More
On Tuesday, April 25th at 11am PST, we are going to pull back the veil on hidden fees and bad effective rates, and we'd love for you to join us! This webinar is completely free, and will arm you with all of the resources you need to help your church get the best rates on the market. Here are a few things to know in advance:
What will I learn?
You will walk away from this webinar with a greater knowledge of where the money you pay your online giving provider is going, how to calculate your effective rate and find out exactly how much money your church is paying for online giving, and what questions you can ask online giving providers to get extreme clarity about the rates they charge. We will be bringing in our very own giving expert, Christina, to define some terms and teach you how to calculate your effective rate. We also have Russell Korets, founding pastor of City on a Hill Church in the Seattle area, joining us. He will be discussing his recent experience of shopping for a new giving solution and sharing how his church avoided paying a high effective rate.
What resources will I get?
Everyone who signs up for the webinar will get a free eBook with additional information about finding your effective rate as well as a copy of the video. We are also offering a free analysis of your church's giving statement to confirm that you are getting the best rates fluff, no sales pitch, just a quick, easy consultation to help your church save money.
Speaking of a sales pitch, is there going to be one in this webinar?
Have you ever signed up for a webinar with the hope of learning something about a topic that's important to you, only to get slapped in the face with a 30 minute sales pitch? Super annoying, right? Good news: we're not into that. There will not be a sales pitch in this webinar, or any advertising for that matter. We're much more concerned about providing your church with resources that will help you find the best online giving provider at the best price.
If you are shopping for a new online giving provider, thinking about shopping for a provider in the future, or just want to make sure that your church is getting the best rate possible, then this webinar is for you! We hope you will join us and hope that this resource is a blessing to your ministry. Sign up here: