Your Media is More Popular Than You Think — The Church App

Your Media is More Popular Than You Think

“The wifi’s down...”

Unless you have an unlimited data plan, this phrase often instills a slight internal panic. Whether it be a business trying to perform its daily activities, students studying in a cafe, watching Netflix at your house, or trying to pass time at the airport with Youtube videos, we live in a world that is heavily dependent on the internet and our devices.

While this attachment to our devices isn’t anything new, our time spent using them to consume digital media is definitely growing. So much so, that when an internet connection is lost, we suddenly feel a gap - not just in the use of our devices, but also in our daily media consumption habits we are used to.

According to Nielsen’s recent report, a continued growth in digital use is fueling an increase in media time spent. Among 18-34 yr. olds there has been a 53% growth in digital video viewing. However, this isn't just a trend for the millennial - digital media consumption has increased by 80% for ages 35-49, and by 60% for ages 50-64. In fact, digital media surpassed overall consumption on a TV screen in 2014.  

So why do all of these numbers matter? Well, for today’s content providers, delivering your content through effective digital mediums has never been more important. With this scale of growth and interaction, people are naturally developing a standard and an expectation for how they engage with media, both on their devices and on the web. The design, interface, reliability, and overall delivery of the content has become vitally important when it comes to meeting your audience's expectations. Whether it be presenting lecture videos, a sermon archive, or promotional video material, these digital channels provide schools, churches, businesses, and many other organizations a unique opportunity to maximize their audience's engagement with their media.

A good first step is to know how and where your audience is engaging with media. Thanks to a recent study from comScore, we know that the majority of people consume media within mobile apps, accounting for 52% of all digital media use. To break it down further, mobile usage makes up 60% of total digital media time, and desktop-based media makes up the remaining 40%.  Zooming in on just mobile video viewing, video streaming app downloads increased by 44% in 2014, and mobile video is predicted to represent 69% of all mobile traffic by 2018.

Key takeaway? Both mobile and desktop have the influence to help expand the reach of your media, while providing an opportunity to create deeper connections with your audience. No matter what your individual communication strategy needs are, developing an effective digital content strategy will be worth the time and investment.

Here at Subsplash, our heart is to help simplify your process, while giving you the tools to beautifully present your content. This was the foundation of developing Subsplash Cloud, an all-in-one solution for delivering your media. With one place to upload, encode, and manage your media, your content can be delivered through apps, the web, and your podcast feed - all with the click of a button. We want you to reach as many people as possible, and are passionate about helping you deliver a more delightful, enjoyable experience to your audience. We'd love to help get you started.