With 10,000+ college students attending Breakaway Ministries on any given Tuesday night, it’s a no brainer that God is doing great things at Texas A&M University's College Station campus. Led by Ben Stuart and his team, Breakaway is a weekly college ministry that gathers students together, shares the good news of Jesus, and helps connect them with the local church. I was incredibly excited to speak with them about their ministry, and how they’re using their app to spread the Gospel.
Brent Monogue, Breakaway’s Production Director, was able to tell us more about their heart for reaching college students through technology. “People don’t go anywhere nowadays without their smartphone. We created an app to take the Gospel further out to more and more people and deeper into the hearts of people who know and love Jesus. Our heart is to introduce students to Christ, connect them to His Church, and inspire them more to connect with Him.” Breakaway seems to be doing just that. With 11,000 downloads just in the first 2 months of launching their app, Breakaway is clearly making a significant impact for Christ.
"We created an app to take the Gospel further out to more and more people and deeper into the hearts of people who know and love Jesus.”

In addition to their quality content and engaging artwork, one of the features that makes the Breakaway app stand out is its training feature. Not only can users watch weekly sermons, but they can also dig deeper into biblical text through hands-on training videos from Pastor Ben Stuart. “We use the training feature to be a resource to help not only students, but anyone who wants to study the bible more effectively. That’s the 'deeper in' part.” Alongside the training tab is the ESV bible feature, giving users access to the bible, sermons, and training - all in one place.
And I’m not the only fan of Breakaway’s app. Students and users from all over have been enjoying access to Breakaway’s resources on their devices. With the app generating daily tweets and responses, Brent shared a few of them with us:
“I’m crazy about this app and Breakaway. Hours and hours of non-stop listening.”
“Downloading the Breakaway app is one of the best app decisions I’ve ever made.”
“I would have paid. So thankful for this ministry, the podcasts are an amazing resource.”
“The Breakaway app is amazing. Thank you so much!”

While helping connect students to resources and training, the app has also been a great tool for more direct and immediate communication. When Breakaway had to change venues last minute, Brent sent out push notifications to notify almost 5,000 students who had subscribed. That covered at least half of the attendees!
“I came into the process knowing zero about apps. Now I feel comfortable. It's been easier than expected and fun!” -Brent
We really love the look and feel of the Breakaway app. With engaging artwork and a practical layout that guides users deeper into biblical teachings, they have done a great job creating an amazing tool for their audience.
If you haven’t downloaded their app yet, we strongly encourage you to do so here!